uno: it started bad with me not waking up to my alarm, and therefore not having enough time to get ready for class. whoops.
*technicality*- if it had not been for my (God love her) horribly loud snoring roommate, and me not having to run to CVS at one in the morning to get earplugs to save my ears from bleeding, and yet another sleepless night.. i probly would've made it to class.
dos: my geosciences teacher is nuts. don't get me wrong, she's really laid back and quite hilarious (think big new york gal, with glasses, who likes to say "capeesh" in excess) def. my kind of gal to know/be friends with.. but not as a teacher. SHE IS SOOOO SCATTERBRAINED! oy vei!.. so yeah i ended up leaving class early because i could not handle her lecture.. if you can really call it that.. i hope i pass the quiz on thursday.
tres: i hate when people don't e-mail/txt/call back within a reasonable amount of time!.. gjkslfnkdl! *coughsiblingscough*
update: my loving brother sarcastically just texted back.. he is forgiven. sister on the other hand.. not so much.
quatro: i feeeeeeeeel awful. and can't go to taco tuesday tonight :(
okay.. enough pity party for me.. there are enough depressing things going on in the world to complain about my life which isn't nearly as bad as some peoples..
so yeah.. what is going on with this whole WALLSTREET/economy/federal bailout fiasco?!?!?!?!?! seriously wtf?
i mean.. i am a Bush supporter.. but C'MON how could you let things get this baddd?? okay... i'm being irrational.. i know this isn't all his fault.. but when we have a crisis.. aren't we supposed to look to our leader for direction? ANNND.. i thought we were already in HUGE debt with ourselves (not to mention with other countries like China who are probly going to come back and kick our ass when we least expect it because they are the "sleeping giant" and one day they're going to wake up and want their money!) so how can we afford a SEVEN HUNDRED BILLION.. yes billion.. DOLLAR BAILOUT FOR THESE 'FINANCIAL EXPERT' INSITUTIONS????????????????????? i am flabbergasted.
and i know almost everyone is sick of the election by now.. i sure am.. but it just has to be said that this mess is going to be another deciding factor in what was already a joke of an election. i can't believe we as the 'greatest country on earth' have sunken so low as to have to pick the lesser of two evils to be our next leader.. i mean, really? why can't we have more than one choice? party loyalty is all but dead in our elitist society.. sooooo bring on the ralph naders of the world!.. we not only need BETTER insight.. but more!.. why should two millionaires be the only choices for president?
okay.. enough. its funny how my blogs always turn political.. but its one of my passions :)
so.. everyone, lets just take a breather.. and relax and try and enjoy the day.. i hope i can take my own advice.
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