Wednesday, December 10, 2008

Happy Holidays?

i HATE that expression. yes, there are multiple holidays that fall into the month of December, but why can't you address them by name? "Happy Hanukkah" , "Merry Christmas", "Happy Kwanzaa", "Happy New Year". Why can't we go back to basics? I'll tell you why.. it's because people in the United States are more worried about being politically correct than keeping up with traditions that have been around for thousands and thousands of years. 
Fox News commentator Bill O'Reilly has repeatedly shed light on the country's "War on Christmas". Because of this, more of the general public has come to know what is going on. Basically, organizations like the NAACP, and ACLU have declared a "war" on Christmas because it offends too many people. Let me just clarify one thing.. wishing someone Merry Christmas does not mean that you are shoving Christianity down their throats!!!!!! Yes, the true meaning of Christmas is that Jesus was born to save the world and we are thus celebrating that, but we have commercialized Christmas to the point of no one even remembering what the true reason for the season is. So, even if you don't believe that, then go ahead and celebrate Santa and the elves. Just don't take away from my Christmas. 
Now, this being said, I feel like I've been stuck in a Happy Holidays rutt.
I am most definitely not in the Christmas Spirit, for a few key reasons:
1) school is stressing the hell out of me. I have projects up the ying-yang and this is making that magical day of next Thursday when I FINALLY get to go home for Christmas seem ages away.
2) my school cut this year's Christmas break down to only 2 1/2 weeks. ughhhh! I think I rightfully deserve my full 3 weeks off!!
3) I've yet to do any of my Christmas shopping because I'm so poor. the way my school does payroll really, really sucks. everyone I work with is always complaining that it is too long between paychecks. it's awful :(
4) my apartment is hardly decorated for Christmas, always smells, is rarely clean, and currently has a rodent in it. isn't that fabulous?
5) i miss my family.

I have got to get out of this funk! I want to be filled with the Christmas spirit to the point where I annoy people, not in this Scrooge state that I'm currently in. I know that when I get home I'll be in the Christmas spirit, but that seems too long to wait! that means only being in the Christmas spirit for only 6 days. NOT acceptable. 
oh well, I guess there isn't anything I can do  but try and see the goodness and happiness in each day. even if it seems like everyone around me always puts me in a bad mood (especially this mouse issue, if they don't come hunt this little beast down and kill it by tomorrow, i am going to raise absolute HELL, the Kathleen in me will definitely show itself!)

through the midst of all of my "holiday" depression, I have managed to compile a pretty sweet Christmas playlist on iTunes.
Here are a few of my favs:
-santa claus is comin' to town: bruce springsteen
-ave maria: celine dion
-merry christmas, happy holidays: *nsync
-christmas (baby please come home): death cab for cutie
-happy xmas, war is over: john lennon
-baby it's cold outside: bing crosby and doris day
-the entire john berry christmas cd
-the entire kenny g christmas cd
-please come home for christmas: the eagles
-santa baby: eartha kitt

may these bring Christmas cheer to everyone who reads this. (is that anybody?) okay, enough with the pessimism. 

merry Christmas :)

Monday, October 13, 2008


i crave it, i need it, i want it. now.

Thursday, October 9, 2008

Cupcakes make the world go round, round, round...


How is it that this little red velvet cupcake can make the day so much better?
I don't know, but that is exactly what it did for me!.. The cream-cheese frosting mixed with the red velvettyy-ness of it just perfected a day that had already been going quite well.

So, I don't know why I've been pondering change so much lately. My newest though/possible endeavor is dropping my Marketing minor to free up my schedule for classes that I want to take and would be thoroughly interested in. Now it's not that I don't like marketing, I do, but I've been considering all of the other things I like, such as: Graphic Design, Photography, and maybe even the History of Chocolate (probly not, just throwing it out there) haha.
I'm planning on meeting with an enrollment advisor to discuss such things and see what would be the most beneficial to me.

I am SOOO psyched for the re-vamped Design Program at CBU!.. I was telling my sister about it last night and she seemed to share my excitement (which I'm hoping will be a deciding factor in her decision to come to CBU as well). I'm not sure why but I reallly, reallllllly want her to come here now. I'm going to have to arrange for some type of subliminal message to be pumped out when she comes to visit this weekend ;)

Anyway.. I hope you all (if anyone actually reads this) are having a fabulous day! If not, go have a cupcake :)


Tuesday, October 7, 2008


i guess that looks more like  an Iranian mans last name than my expression of JOY. oh well.
lets not get started on Ahmanedenjahd or whatever that crazies name is. i'm going to try and keep this blog awayyy from politics.. because even i, being the political aficionado that i AM.. i'm sick of politics/government/economny, and anything having to do with corrupt crooks *coughAIGLEHMANBROTHERSWACHOVIAWAMUcough*.. so!.. moving on.

if you have been hiding under a rock for the past few hmm.. months and have not checked out you are missing outttt!!!!!! 
it is one of the most entertaining blogs i have come across.. (kudos to brooklyn for showing me!)
i absolutely love all of the expressions that this mysterious author uses.. he speaks of so-called "alt-ism"
or the essence of being alternative.
oh, he also speaks of AZNS. (asians!) hahahahahaha i love it so much.

so i'm thinking that i want to do an internship in NYC this summer. preferabbllyyyy at FOXNEWS! i couldn't tell you how excited i would be to intern there and be running around doing errands for shepard smith, bill o'reilly, brit hume, etc. etc. etc. lovesss it<3
ohhh and to be in NYC during the summer.. it would be magical.

------> side note:
my professor just called someone a hot dog.

moving on.

i am also considering graduate school.
SHOCKER! i know.
i, alisha stewart, the most anti-school person EVER.. am considering furthering my education despite being in school my whole life and probly furthering myself in debt.
annnnnnd where do i want to go????!?!
yeah. i know.. i've always been a trojan fan *thats what she said* haha.. and i'd love to be a part of the trojan family :) wooo.
so yeah, we'll see what happens.

i guess i better pay attention in class now. although i'll probly just blog-hop and be on facebook.


ps. i want it to be winter. now.

Tuesday, September 23, 2008


today has taken a turn for the amazingness.

-my dad is 100% A-OKAY! :)
-my professor is allowing me to re-take a test that i forgot to take :)
-i'm going home this weekend!!!!

woooooo.. thanks God.

so.. in my joy, here is a hilarious little ditty that i quite enjoy.. those of you who are office fans will enjoy it as well. 

mama said there'd be days like this... and other thoughts on current life

since i am lame and do not feel like being creative.. i am going to start this blog with a list of why my day is just a big wad of crapppppollla:

uno: it started bad with me not waking up to my alarm, and therefore not having enough time to get ready for class. whoops.
*technicality*- if it had not been for my (God love her) horribly loud snoring roommate, and me not having to run to CVS at one in the morning to get earplugs to save my ears from bleeding, and yet another sleepless night.. i probly would've made it to class.

dos: my geosciences teacher is nuts. don't get me wrong, she's really laid back and quite hilarious (think big new york gal, with glasses, who likes to say "capeesh" in excess) def. my kind of gal to know/be friends with.. but not as a teacher. SHE IS SOOOO SCATTERBRAINED! oy vei!.. so yeah i ended up leaving class early because i could not handle her lecture.. if you can really call it that.. i hope i pass the quiz on thursday.

tres: i hate when people don't e-mail/txt/call back within a reasonable amount of time!.. gjkslfnkdl! *coughsiblingscough*
update: my loving brother sarcastically just texted back.. he is forgiven. sister on the other hand.. not so much.

quatro: i feeeeeeeeel awful. and can't go to taco tuesday tonight :(

okay.. enough pity party for me.. there are enough depressing things going on in the world to complain about my life which isn't nearly as bad as some peoples..

so yeah.. what is going on with this whole WALLSTREET/economy/federal bailout fiasco?!?!?!?!?! seriously wtf?
i mean.. i am a Bush supporter.. but C'MON how could you let things get this baddd?? okay... i'm being irrational.. i know this isn't all his fault.. but when we have a crisis.. aren't we supposed to look to our leader for direction? ANNND.. i thought we were already in HUGE debt with ourselves (not to mention with other countries like China who are probly going to come back and kick our ass when we least expect it because they are the "sleeping giant" and one day they're going to wake up and want their money!) so how can we afford a SEVEN HUNDRED BILLION.. yes billion.. DOLLAR BAILOUT FOR THESE 'FINANCIAL EXPERT' INSITUTIONS????????????????????? i am flabbergasted.

and i know almost everyone is sick of the election by now.. i sure am.. but it just has to  be said that this mess is going to be another deciding factor in what was already a joke of an election. i can't believe we as the 'greatest country on earth' have sunken so low as to have to pick the lesser of two evils to be our next leader.. i mean, really? why can't we have more than one choice? party loyalty is all but dead in our elitist society.. sooooo bring on the ralph naders of the world!.. we not only need BETTER insight.. but more!.. why should two millionaires be the only choices for president?

okay.. enough. its funny how my blogs always turn political.. but its one of my passions :)
so.. everyone, lets just take a breather.. and relax and try and enjoy the day.. i hope i can take my own advice. 


Sunday, June 8, 2008

thats life.

so i just watched garden state for the first time. consensus=splendid movie. i likesshh it.
movies like that push your brain into forward motion, it's like whoaa and all of a sudden you're in 4th gear. nice, exhilarating, good. anywayy..
i really should be going to sleep. 
my swell boss informed me about an hour before i got off today that i would be having to come in tomorrow. on a sunday. the day that was supposed to be my day off. yeah, as you can probably guess, i was royally pissed. oh well...just gotta think of the double time to get me through the day!..
so tonight i was supposed to go out, but a recurring trend that i'm not so fond of reared its ugly head again. people make plans and then don't follow through with them! this especially irks me when someone else initiated the plans, and then just doesn't call you. let me make this known. i do NOT like being ignored. even if you didn't want to do anything anymore, let me know! oy vei!...okay..i'm getting passed the bad part of the night.
therefore, instead of going out tonight (the first saturday night of many that i've stayed home) i washed and blow-dried my hair and straightened it. the wholllle process. i hadn't done that in a very long while. and the result was very soft and silky hair. who knew, huh? haha.
i don't know if you've heard it yet.. but death cab's new album is amazing. that ben gibbard is truly talented. it must be because he is bff's with john krasinski. ohh  my love.
soo i guess for the most part summer is going very well. except for the whole working to where i have no time for anything part. but that too shall pass. at least i enjoy the people i work with..well mostly just charlie, but thats because he can  make me laugh by doing absolutely nothing. loveee that. so, that makes work bearable..especially on those 100 truck days when i think that they will never stop coming! ahhh!..
okay i neeed to sleep. now!

Tuesday, April 8, 2008

Food for Thought

What a cliche' phrase. So often overused, but have you ever taken the time to seriously consider the meaning? I think that our society has forgotten how to process legitimate thought. As those of us holding membership cards to "Generation Y" know, if we don't want to think, we don't have to. The birth of the information super-highway (a.k.a. the internet) has given us the ability to 'Google-it' within seconds, look over the information, and go on our way. I know that when I sit down to write a paper, or study for a test I don't do it to think about the concepts being presented, I do it to pass the class. This is an absolute tragedy. Our parents, the infamous Baby-Boomers, are so much more wise than I think we're going to be when we're old and grey. They not only had to think about things, but they had to actually WORK to get where they are today. Our generation goes to college (mostly because their parents made them, or the select few who aspire to be the next Donald Trump), gets a degree in something 'practical' (business, law, medicine, etc.), graduates, and then expects to gain a top-level position in a Fortune 500 company. They don't want to start on the ground floor (or the 'mail room' as my Dad likes to call it), but they expect to be Vice-President of Global Communication for Microsoft, making $100,000 a year and spending Christmas in Fiji. 
Where has our work ethic gone? Why do we think that we are so entitled to things? Because remember, we haven't really learned anything or thought about it, we've just retained enough knowledge to get us to the top spot, and then we just want to sit pretty. We have no real thought-process.
Now, I don't know how you feel about this, but it seriously scares me to think that the stories that we are going to tell our grandchildren are going to be about when we got our first MySpace, and then how Facebook came along and rival ensued. We need to get back to the roots of thought. Invention, imagination, and downright learning. Agree? Disagree? Why don't you sit and think about it awhile...