Monday, October 13, 2008


i crave it, i need it, i want it. now.

Thursday, October 9, 2008

Cupcakes make the world go round, round, round...


How is it that this little red velvet cupcake can make the day so much better?
I don't know, but that is exactly what it did for me!.. The cream-cheese frosting mixed with the red velvettyy-ness of it just perfected a day that had already been going quite well.

So, I don't know why I've been pondering change so much lately. My newest though/possible endeavor is dropping my Marketing minor to free up my schedule for classes that I want to take and would be thoroughly interested in. Now it's not that I don't like marketing, I do, but I've been considering all of the other things I like, such as: Graphic Design, Photography, and maybe even the History of Chocolate (probly not, just throwing it out there) haha.
I'm planning on meeting with an enrollment advisor to discuss such things and see what would be the most beneficial to me.

I am SOOO psyched for the re-vamped Design Program at CBU!.. I was telling my sister about it last night and she seemed to share my excitement (which I'm hoping will be a deciding factor in her decision to come to CBU as well). I'm not sure why but I reallly, reallllllly want her to come here now. I'm going to have to arrange for some type of subliminal message to be pumped out when she comes to visit this weekend ;)

Anyway.. I hope you all (if anyone actually reads this) are having a fabulous day! If not, go have a cupcake :)


Tuesday, October 7, 2008


i guess that looks more like  an Iranian mans last name than my expression of JOY. oh well.
lets not get started on Ahmanedenjahd or whatever that crazies name is. i'm going to try and keep this blog awayyy from politics.. because even i, being the political aficionado that i AM.. i'm sick of politics/government/economny, and anything having to do with corrupt crooks *coughAIGLEHMANBROTHERSWACHOVIAWAMUcough*.. so!.. moving on.

if you have been hiding under a rock for the past few hmm.. months and have not checked out you are missing outttt!!!!!! 
it is one of the most entertaining blogs i have come across.. (kudos to brooklyn for showing me!)
i absolutely love all of the expressions that this mysterious author uses.. he speaks of so-called "alt-ism"
or the essence of being alternative.
oh, he also speaks of AZNS. (asians!) hahahahahaha i love it so much.

so i'm thinking that i want to do an internship in NYC this summer. preferabbllyyyy at FOXNEWS! i couldn't tell you how excited i would be to intern there and be running around doing errands for shepard smith, bill o'reilly, brit hume, etc. etc. etc. lovesss it<3
ohhh and to be in NYC during the summer.. it would be magical.

------> side note:
my professor just called someone a hot dog.

moving on.

i am also considering graduate school.
SHOCKER! i know.
i, alisha stewart, the most anti-school person EVER.. am considering furthering my education despite being in school my whole life and probly furthering myself in debt.
annnnnnd where do i want to go????!?!
yeah. i know.. i've always been a trojan fan *thats what she said* haha.. and i'd love to be a part of the trojan family :) wooo.
so yeah, we'll see what happens.

i guess i better pay attention in class now. although i'll probly just blog-hop and be on facebook.


ps. i want it to be winter. now.