Monday, March 23, 2009

Procrastination Master

I can procrastinate with the best of them. No, seriously. I'll find any excuse not to do something that I really need to do. It's definitely a curse.
Anyway, I haven't blogged in forever. I know, I said I'd get better about it, but things have been NUTS. In February we found out some not so pleasant news about Mom, and it seems like the whole family has been on an emotional rollercoaster ever since. But we've all decided to let God handle everything. This seems like a good ideas since absolutely no one knows the future and we can't change it either, so give it to someone who can. 
Aunt Mary also moved out here to here to help out. She has really been a blessing, even though it has taken a while for everyone to get used to having someone new around. Not that she's "new", but it's a little bit of culture shock for everyone when a person breaks up the equilibrium. She's absolutely amazing though, leaving her job and everything. Wow.
Soo... Not that anyone really reads this, but since it is MY blog, I guess you want to know what I've been up to.. or maybe you don't, but it's mine.. so, tough :)

I effing HATE school. Well, mostly the whole academic part of it. Everything other than that is okay, but I have officially caught a bad case of Senioritis (it is a real disease, look it up) and it is driving me CRAZY. 


I don't care about meaningless assignments or tasks that I'm supposed to do to graduate and get that sacred "piece of paper" that will open doors for me. Eff that. College is a joke and I can't believe I'm paying upwards of $80,000 for this. I don't feel like I've learned anything to great to warrant that price tag.
So.. what I've decided to do is: the bare minimum. Yep, the least amount of work to get this semester done. This always seems to happen spring semester. Fall semester is better.
Also, I was gonna graduate in December, but there are 2 classes I need to graduate that aren't being offered in the Fall. So.. that's that. But I think it's a blessing in disguise because since I have not had an internship yet, it's kind of scary to think that I'd be out in the "real world" in less than 9 months.
Another reason I'm over school is because I am so sick of living with people. It's not like living at home, and don't get me wrong, I love my roommates (for the most part) but I just feel like we're all living on top of each other ALL the time. Eff my life, I can't wait to live alone. Or at least move home for the summer. I miss my family ALL the time. I'm such a baby.

In other news.. I got bangs! Yep, the straight-across kind. They took some getting used to in the beginning, but now I love them! Brooklyn even took some really cool pictures right after I got them and we discovered my alter-ego.. Chloe Fisher. Long story, but you can check them out here.

I just got off spring break, and it was WAYYY too short. I didn't really do anything but hang out at home.. it was rather nice though :) Went and saw Duplicity, and almost walked out of it, but glad that I didn't. It ended up being realllly good! I also went to a Rascal Flatts concert!!! That's a story for another post though :)

Alright, well since I'm procrastinating right now actually, I better get to work and crank this little bastard out. So I can have a life, and money, and success. All because I put together a "topic memo". Ugh, give me a break. 

Goodnight to those of you that are relaxing and enjoying your night. I envy you.


p.s. I know that this was kind of scatterbrained, but I'm really tired. I planned on saying way more, but alas, this will bring me back for more blogging!

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